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About Our Overcomer Course on Sat. April 17

Writer's picture: Noreen N. HenryNoreen N. Henry

We had our bi-annual overcomer course yesterday and it was phenomenal!

A couple of comments:

Excellent job today!!! It was very good. M. Bloedoorn

Thank you Ms. Henry, I really enjoyed today's session. Great job! Dr. K.

Our overcomer course is for those that have struggled, and oftentimes in silence, with an addiction. The focus was food addiction, but the tools & tips given in this course applies to any addiction.

Some topics covered were:

1. Why the vicious cycle? The things your dr. never tells you.

2. The art of your commitment and your why.

3. How to break the habit of eating for comfort, or any addiction.

4. The handling of temptation.

5. Solutions guaranteed to help you through.

Like I said, it was phenomenal!!!

As much as you plan in advance, and are fully prepared, there can still be hiccups.

Half-way through the course, the rest of the presentation slides were missing. I was like, “what happened to my slides?” lol. Fortunately, we were at the point to do another exercise, so what I did was give the participants their timed assignment, then I went to see about my slides. I closed the slides without saving them, re-opened them, and thankfully, they were fine. I was able to share my screen again with the presentation slides intact, and put it on the slide needed at that time before the participants finished their assignment, phew 😊. Then we continued on.

This is another example of overcoming, and also persevering. As Tamara Lowe says, “it was a teachable movement.”

The only thing was, the time wasn’t long enough. This course was scheduled for 1 ½ hours, but with all the great content, it will now be scheduled for 3 hours.

The next one will be a Saturday in September at 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. The date is to be determined. Look out for the details a little later.

Here are 3 things that are the root of addictions:

1) Rejection.

2) Unmet needs.

3) Unsatisfying outcomes.

However, even though these three things are at the root of addictions, you can still work through them to overcome the addiction. Victorious Living Culture’s coaching programs help with that.

We first have to be aware of things in order to make changes. We have to make the conscious effort to have lasting change and live our best lives now in all ways.

For those that missed the overcomer course yesterday, fortunately, for you, it will be available on Victorious Living Cultures academy [] at a later date.

There is always hope to overcome and live our best lives now!

Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s blog, and know that there is always hope.

Noreen N. Henry, Visionary Leader

Victorious Living Strategist

6x International Best Seller with 18 Published Books

Certified John Maxwell Team Leader

TV Talk Show Host


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